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Search Keywords like Establishing Native Shrubs or Rattlesnake Master or Mayapple to find one of our articles that mention the subject.
Learn how to grow the Native Plant Butterflyweed and view its companion plants in this short article.
The umowed fescue field turning into Callery pears, the fence line covered in invasive vines and shrubs, and the burning bush in your neighbor’s yard maybe within one’s circle of concern but these things are out of your control. Focus on expanding your circle of control and influence through forming or joining a local group group. Learn about and choose the highest quality environments remaining in your region so that you can and make an impact where there’s the most left to lose; and most left to save.
Native Plant Agriculture (NPA) is the implementing of edible native plants as the basis of a primarily perennial agricultural system that mimics native plant communities in format. The goal of NPA is to expand native vegetation back into agricultural land to support a significant level of biodiversity while improving human-food productivity for a changing climate and growing population.