Our Native Meadowscaping book is now free as an online book!
Native Meadowscaping
Design, Maintenance, Installation
Book Overview
Our Native Meadowscaping online instructional book is broken into 3 sections. Section 1 of this book covers the design, installation and maintenance of Native Meadowscapes. Section 2 of the book features profiles for over 80 species of native plants that are commercially available for seed purchasing and applicable to native meadows installations. Section 3 of the book is titled Meadow Inspiration: a visual teaching experience with detailed captions to the workings of a native meadow.
The book is most applicable to the lower Northeast, Upper and Lower Midwest, Midsouth, and Mid-Atlantic. Within these regions; USDA Zones 5 to 8 are the most relevant to this book, while Zones 4 and 9 are moderately applicable.
Online-Book Price: $0.00
Click this link to access our free Native Meadowscaping Book.
Word Count: 34,000+
This book is for learning how to create native seed mixes, how to install/seed native meadow/prairie landscapes, and how to maintain these landscapes. The Plant Profiles will give insight to most of the commercially available native wildflower and grass species applicable to native meadows/prairies. The purpose and design of this book is to empower you to create a native prairie/meadow on your land and within your native plant restoration projects. It offers tried, true, and tested methodology for the site preparation, installation, and mature maintenance for the average home/land owner or professional.
+80 Native Meadow Applicable Plant Profiles
Featured Native Herbaceous Plants: Golden Alexanders | Wild Indigos | Penstemons | Sand Coreopsis | Spiderworts| Blue Flag Iris | Butterfly Weed | Black-eyed Susan | Common Milkweed | Early Sunflower | Crownbeards | Prairie Clovers | Purple Coneflower | Slender Moutain Mint | Compass Plant | Wild Bergamot | Grey-headed Coneflower | Culver’s Root | Royal Catchfly | Rattlesnake Master | Cup Plant | Desmodiums | Nodding Onion | Swamp Milkweed | Sennas | Rosinweeds | Vervains | Blazing Stars | Swamp Rose Mallow | Prairie Dock | Early Goldenrod | Lobelias | Cut-leaf Coneflower | Brown-eyed Susan | Native Ryes and Purpletop | Little Bluestem and Prairie Dropseed | Patridge Pea | Tall Coreopsis | Orange Coneflower | Mistflower | Tall Ironweed | Obedient Plant | Bonesets | Joe Pye Weeds | Sneezeweeds | Stiff Goldenrod | Rough Blazingstar | Showy Bidens | Sawtooth Sunflower & Maximilian Sunflower | Dwarf and Showy Goldenrod | Aromatic Aster | Inland Oats | New England Aster *multiple species are covered in plurally labeled profiles such as “Penstemons” or “Spiderworts”
Featured Native Woody Plants for Native Meadow Planting: Hawthorn species, Eastern Wahoo and Strawberry Bush, Common Hazelnut and Beaked Hazelnut, Dogwood species, Ninebark, Elderberry, Native Crabapples, Viburnums, Sumacs, Serviceberries, Native Plums, and Chokecherry.
How to Use our Online Book
Watch the Video below with the Volume On to Experience the Online Book before purchasing. Online books are meant to be read on larger screens than phones such as Tablets, Laptops, or Desktop computers. If you choose to read it on a phone, imagine reading a book as tiny as a phone screen - it won’t be advantageous so please use a Laptop, Tablet, or Desktop computer screen to read the book on.
Click this link to access our free Native Meadowscaping Book.
Images resulting from our method of Native Meadow / Native Prairie Design, Installation, and Maintenance outlined in this Native Meadowscaping book.
(Click on Images to Expand)
^^^ Picture Gallery of Native Meadowscaping Results from our Book’s Instruction.