Indigenous Landscapes Facebook Post Index

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This Page consolidates our educational facebook page posts for your review. 

Last Updated November 15th, 2024

Who’s Behind Indigenous Landscapes Posts

Native Tree and Forest Posts - 45 Alphabetized Articles and Posts

American Elm ---American Elm vs Invasive Siberian Elm ---American Linden as an Edible Crop ---Ash Trees Persisting ---Bitternut Hickory ---Black Cherry ---Black Cherry Host Insects ---Black Gum Infographic ---Black Gum Post 2 ---Black Oak Remnant Tree ---Black Walnut ---Blue Ash Infographic ---Bur Oak Infographic ---Chinquapin Oak and American Elm ---Chinquapin Oak with Ephemerals ---Corvids Reforest ---Displacement of the Midwest Ecosystem ---Eastern Red Cedar ---Fall Color in the Swamp Woods ---Floodplain Forests ---Forest Types Post 1 ---Glaciated Vs. Unglaciated Landscapes ---Hackberry Wildlife Food ---Hickories of the Midwest ---Hickory Nuts for Reforestation ---Honeylocust; What’s it good for? ---Northern Pecan Discovery ---Northern Pecan Post 2 ---Oak-Hickory Savanna in Glaciated Southwest Ohio ---Persimmon (Native) in Flower ---Persimmon (Native) Myth Busting ---Persimmon (Native) Ohio Champion ---Persimmon Infographic (Native) ---Protecting Native Trees and Shrubs ---Red Hickory Post 1 ---Red Hickory Post 2 ---Red Mulberry ---Red Oak ---Shellbark Hickory Infographic ---Soil PH VS. Native Trees ---Sugar Maple/Black Maple ---Sweet Gum ---White Oak ---White Oak - 500+ Years Old ---Yellow Trout Lily ---

Native Shrub/Thicket/Small Tree Posts

Wild Plums: The Plight of Our Disappearing Wild Plums —- Wild Plums: a Vestige of a Destroyed CommunityLocally-Rare Chickasaw Plums and Native Thicket Conservation—-Red Bat roosting in Wild Plum (Video)——(Glimpsing the Biological Value of Prairie, Savanna, and Wetland Thickets)—-Restoring Northern Populations of Chickasaw Plum—-Biological Connections of Native Thicket Species—-Thicket Species as Host Plants—-Quapaw Plums——Thicket Species Advocacy—-Shawnee Plums2 years growth on Native Plums —-Spot Native Plums Now to Save them Later (Spring) —- Native Plums Need Your Help —- 2 Young Chickasaw Plums —- Chickasaw Fruit Set —- 10 Different Native Plums —-Conservation Decisions

Dogwood Species: Flowering Dogwood —-Rough-leafed Dogwood Infographic—-Ecological Perspective on Rough-leafed Dogwood—-Flowering Dogwood in Fall—-Ecological Niches of Dogwood—-Native Dogwoods —— Wildlife Value of Dogwoods ——

American Hazelnut: American Hazelnut Infographic —- A view of the Ecology of the American HazelnutAmerican Hazelnut Plant Profile —- A Cooperative and Historical Pairing —-Hazelnut Collection

Misc Thicket Species: —- Sweet Crabapple Infographic —-- Rebalancing Habitat with Native Thickets —- Discovery of Rare Sweet Crabapple in Ohio —- PawPaws and the Potential of Native Savanna Orchards—- Ecology of Hawthorns——Reintegrating Native Thickets into Prairies, Savannas, and Wetlands—-600 Pawpaw Seeds—-Lanceleaf Buckthorn—-Prickly Ash——Ninebark and Elderberry—-Elderberry—-Native RosesFilling the Early Spring Void of Native FlowersEastern Redbuds—-Spicebush—-False Wild Indigo—-Smooth Sumac Pollinators—-Serviceberry Harvest —- Silent Disappearance of Thicket Species —— Winged Sumac —-Eastern Wahoo —— Blackhaw Viburnum —— Crab Apple Conservation Project —- Wafer Ash —- Smooth Sumac —- How to Start An Elderberry Thicket From Seed —-Restoring Native Thickets Series: Ninebark —-Restoring Native Thickets Series: Invasive Mulberry—-Protecting Native Trees and Shrubs —-American Beautyberry and Pokeweed—-Coralberry—-Winterberry Holly

Native Vines

Not All Vines are Bad! —- Passionflower Infographic —- Bumblebee on Passionflower (Video)2 easy to miss native vines —- Managing Aggressive Native Vines—-Virginia Creeper

Native Plant Agriculture

PawPaws and the Potential of Native Savanna Orchards —- Discovery of a Northern Pecan—-Shellbark Hickory Infographic—-The Last Oak-Hickory Savanna of Glaciated Southwest Ohio—-American Hazelnut Infographic —- Wild Plums: Vestige of a Destroyed CommunityIndigenous Edibles Part 1 —- Indigenous Edibles Part 2 —-Common Milkweed Infographic —-Wood Nettle Infographic—-Native Wetland Root Crops and Native Pond Aquaculture —-Spiderwort Infographic—-Passionflower Infographic—-Oakmeal-Acorn Products —- Selecting Local Native Fruits —- American Linden as an Edible Crop —- American Persimmon Infographic —- Collecting Hickories for Reforestation ——Four Native Edible Vegetables —-Four Native Seed/Nut Crops——Six Native Fruit Crops—-Black Bear Sightings in Ohio—-Amazon Fires and Traditional Agriculture—-Woodnettle as a Crop—-Restoring Monarch Habitat with Milkweed——Passionflower—-Native Strawberries—-Black Raspberries—-Native Leaf Crops—-Wood Nettle and Slender Nettle as Host Plants ——NPA Formats—-Aronia——Groundnut, Common Hazelnut, Cut-leaf Coneflower, Common Linden, Shawnee plum, and PawPaw—-Persimmon, Blackberry, Wood Nettle ——4 Native Plant Agriculture Crops & Biological Connections—-Native Plums, Riverbank Grape, Hickories—-4 Native Plant Agriculture (NPA) Crops—--Biology of the Herbaceous/Sub-Thicket Format—-3 Native Plant Agriculture Crops & Biological Connections—-3 species supported by Hazelnut in Native Plant Agriculture—-3 Beneficiaries of Wild Potato Vine in Native Plant Agriculture—-3 Native Plant Agricultural Crop Profiles—-3 In-Season Native Plant Agricultural Crops (Oct 3)—-Rubus—-Northern Adapted vs. Southern Adapted Native Persimmons—-Native Wild Plums—-Supporting Native Birds with NPA—-NPA and MonarchsNative Plant Agriculture Edibles—-ElderberryRestoration Through Native Plant Agriculture—-Passinflower2 Spring Blooming Spiderworts—-Native Plant Agricultural Plants for the Average Yard—-Common Milkweed3 Native Vegetables to TryNative Fruits to Try—-5 minute introduction video to NPA—-Black Raspberries—-Thicket Cherry—-A Growing Movement—- Edible Meadow —- Native Fruits of The Midwest —- Ultimate Sustainable Native Crop? —— Shagbark Hickory Nut —- 3 Edible Hedge Ideas —- Cutleaf Coneflower and Slender Nettle —- Native Strawberries —-Black Walnut SyrupBox Elder Maple Syrup—-

Native Herbaceous Plant Posts

Prairie Dock Infographic —- 5 Native Fruit Crops —- 5 Native Root Crops —- Zebra Swallowtail Laying Eggs on PawPaw (Video) —- Common Milkweed Infographic —- Native Bees Pollinating Queen of the Prairie (Video) —- Wood Nettle Infographic—-Spiderwort InfoGraphic—-Passionflower Infographic —- Aromatic Aster Infographic —- 3 Edible Native Spiderworts—-Native Wildflowers and their Pollinators—-Bumblebee Pollinating Partridge Pea (Video)—— Proper Pollinators and Thieves—-—Native Pasture ThistleDogbaneBlue Flag Iris/Blue Wild Indigo/Virginia Spiderwort—-Black Eye Susan, White Wild Indigo, Purple Milkweed——Common Milkweed, Crownbeard, Arrowwood Viburnum—-Pasture Rose, Prickly Pear, Elderberry—-Mountain Mint, Wild Bergamot, Early Sunflower—-Butterflyweed, Purple Coneflower, Greyhead Coneflower—-Royal Catchfly, Wild Senna, Swamp Milkweed—-Compass Plant, Hoary Vervain, Culver’s Root—-Marsh Blazingstar, Purple Prairie Clover, Rattlesnake Master—-Tall Coreopsis, Cardnial Flower, Great Blue Lobelia—-3 Native Plant Profiles with Pictures—-3 Native Plant Profiles with Pictures—-3 Short Native Plant Profiles—-Great Blue Lobelia, Sneezeweed, Obedient Plant—-—Cup Plant——Obedient Plant, Brown Eyed Susan, Common Boneset, Blue Vervain, and Rose Mallow—-Native Meadow Plants #1—-Common Milkweed & Butterflyweed—-Sand Coreopsis—-Mistflower—-4 Spring Blooming Native Wildflowers—-Spring Beauties3 Giant Native Wildflowers—-Early Sunflower——Echinacea species—-Compass PlantWild BergamotBlue Vervain and Hoary Vervain—-Culver’s RootPatridge PeaPrairie Dock —- Blue Flag Iris —- Gardening With Compass Plant —- A Complementary Ground Cover Combo —- How To Grow Lobelia species —- How to Stop your Liatris from Flopping —- Establishing Early Sunflower —-Establishing Native Mountain Mints —- Common Milkweed Commentary —- Butterflyweed Commentary—-Rhizomatous Common Milkweed—-Blue and White Wild Indigo—-Golden Alexander—-3 Spring Blooming Native Plants—-Tall American Bellflower

Native Landscaping/Gardening Posts

No-Mow/No-Walk Zone —- Companion Planting with Natives Part 1 —- Companion Planting with Natives Part 2 —- Anise Hyssop vs Korean Mint —- Companion Planting with Natives Part 4 —- Three Problematic Plants for Native Gardens and Three Alternatives —- Companion Planting with Natives Part 5——Native Tree Observations—-Garden Design with Native Plants—-How to Propagate Shagbark Hickory—-How to Read Trees—-Cardinal Flower, Hoary Vervain, Ninebark—-Calico Penstemon and Swamp Rose Mallow—-3 Deer/Rabbit Proof Native Plants to Support Pollinators—-Aromatic Aster and Fragrant Sumac—-Common Boneset and Hazelnut—-Blue Wild Indigo, Black Cherry, Slender Nettle—-Learn how to make a Native Meadow—-3 Thicket Species for Native Meadow Landscapes—-When does locally native not matter so much?—-Guidelines for using native cultivars—-The Sunny Secret of Mayapples—-Butterflyweed—-3 pollinator friendly plants—-Slender Mountain Mint—-Companion Planting #6—-Native Plant Musing #1—-Did You know Honeybees are Non-Native?Native Plant Musing #2—-Native Plant Musing #3 —- Plants Flopping and How To Fix —- Spring Pollinator Support #1 —- Spring Pollinator Support #2 —-- Spring Pollinator Support #3 —- Spring Pollinator Support #4 —- American Beautyberry —-

Native Meadow Posts

2.5 year old Installation of Native Meadow —- Native Meadow Entering its 3rd Growing Season (Video) —-- Carbon Sequestration and Native Grasslands —- Native Meadow Installation Results —- Before & After Native Meadow Installation —- Drone Footage of Native Meadow Installation (Video)—-Virtual August Hike-Native Meadow Installation——June views from a Native Meadow—-Huffman Prairie Remnant—-Pause that Fire - Why Native Thicket Species Form Thickets—-Penstemon digitalis—-4 Native Meadow Plants to Look Forward to—-4 Native Plants for your Meadowscape—-Purple Coneflower, Rattlesnake Master, Stiff Goldenrod, Prairie Blazing Star—-Native Milkweeds—-Native Meadow Musing 1—-Native Meadow Musing 2—-The Annual Black Eye Susan—-Key Considerations —- Bison and Grasslands —-- Sunchokes and Pasture Thistle —- Dilemma of Canadian Goldenrod —- Sawtooth Sunflower —— Golden Alexander —— Blue and White Wild Indigo —— Foxglove and Calico Beardtongue —— Seed Mix Germination Tips —- Meadow Installation 7 Years Later —- Legacy of Coevolution

Native Wetland Posts

Native Wetland Root Crops and Native Pond AquacultureSebenthaler Fen —-Pearl’s Fen—-

Invasive Plant and Invasive animal/Insect Posts

Invasive Removal/Post-Removal Plantings #1 —- Invasive Removal/Post-Removal Plantings #2 —- Invasive Removal/Post-Removal Plantings #3 —- Invasive Removal/Post-Removal Plantings #4 —- Invasive Removal/Post-Removal Plantings #5 —- Invasive Removal/Post-Removal Plantings #6 —- How to Appreciate Burning Bush —- Spicebush vs Amur Honeysuckle Graphic —- One Reason Not to Promote European Honeybees—-Beyond Despair: Strategic Invasive Plant Action Plan—-Spicebush and Sassafras and Invasive Beetles—-Common Milkweed in Ukraine—-Invasive Starlings—-Did you know Honeybees are Non-Native?—-Eliminating Japanese Knotweed —- Honeybees Steal Pollen —- Honeysuckle Brush Pile —- Honeysuckle Drop and Chop—- Wood-Edge Honeysuckle Removal —-

Virtual Hikes/ #What’s Happening now

#WHN = What’s Happening Now

Miami-Whitewater —- Sebenthaler Fen —- Caesars Creek & Lebanon —- Mitchell Memorial Forest —- Edge of Appalachia —-Shawnee Lookout —- Mill Creek #1 —- What Indigenous Landscapes Does —- Best of Early June-Early August 2018Virtual August Hike-Native Meadow Installation —— What’s Happening With Us (March 20, 2019) —— #WHN April 15, 2019—-#WHN April 17, 2019—-#WHN April 27, 2019—-#WHN April, 29, 2019—-#WHN May 4, 2019—-#WHN May 11, 2019—-#WHN May 20, 2019—-#WHN May 22,2019—-#WHN June 4, 2019—-#WHN June 13, 2019—-#WHN August 10, 2019—-#WHN Sept 3, 2019—-#WHN Sept 26, 2019—-#WHN Dec.9, 2019 Caesars Creek Gorge—-#WHN May 8, 2020—-Germantown Metropark—-Hall’s Creek—-Versailes Indiana State Park HikeVirtual Hike 8/5/2013

Native Fauna

Native Bumblebees —-Native Canines' Sweet Secret—-Rabbits——Cerulean Warbler—-Northern Flicker NestHooded Warbler—-Scarlet TanagerUncovering a Queen BumblebeePileated Woodpeckers—-Spicebush Swallowtail Caterpillar—-

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