Northeastern 45 species Native Seed Mix

November 2024 Updated Map.png
Hairy Beardtongue1.jpg
Small Yellow Wild Indigo1.jpg
Yarrow + Lance Leaf Coreopsis.jpg
Ohio Spiderwort123.jpg
Downy Wood Mint.jpg
Blackeyed Susan 123.jpg
Butterflyweed 123.jpg
Common Milkweed 123.jpg
Wild Bergamot and Heliopsis 123.jpg
Slender Mountain Mint 123.jpg
Senna and Heliopsis 1.jpg
Blue Vervain 123.jpg
Showy Trefoil 1.jpg
Culver's Root 123.jpg
Virginia Mountain mint 1.jpg
Purple Coneflower 123 copy.jpg
Spotted Bee Balm.jpg
Early Goldenrod 123.jpg
Hollowstem Joe Pyeweed 123.jpg
Common Boneset and Blue Vervain 123.jpg
Bonset and Obedient 123.jpg
Brown Eyed Susan 1.jpg
Great Blue Lobelia 1.jpg
New York Ironweed 1.jpg
Slender Bush Clover.jpeg
Round Head Bush Clover.JPG
Dwarf Goldenrod 123.jpg
New York Aster.jpeg
Anise Scented Goldenrod 1.jpg
Wrinkled-leaf Goldenrod 1.jpg
New England Aster 123.jpg
Frost Aster 123.jpg
Calico Aster.jpg
ZigZag Aster 1.jpg
Smooth Blue Aster.jpg
Fox Sedge 123.jpg
Little Bluestem 123.jpg
Indian Grass 123.jpg
Purple Top.jpg
Bottle Brush Rye.jpg
November 2024 Updated Map.png
Hairy Beardtongue1.jpg
Small Yellow Wild Indigo1.jpg
Yarrow + Lance Leaf Coreopsis.jpg
Ohio Spiderwort123.jpg
Downy Wood Mint.jpg
Blackeyed Susan 123.jpg
Butterflyweed 123.jpg
Common Milkweed 123.jpg
Wild Bergamot and Heliopsis 123.jpg
Slender Mountain Mint 123.jpg
Senna and Heliopsis 1.jpg
Blue Vervain 123.jpg
Showy Trefoil 1.jpg
Culver's Root 123.jpg
Virginia Mountain mint 1.jpg
Purple Coneflower 123 copy.jpg
Spotted Bee Balm.jpg
Early Goldenrod 123.jpg
Hollowstem Joe Pyeweed 123.jpg
Common Boneset and Blue Vervain 123.jpg
Bonset and Obedient 123.jpg
Brown Eyed Susan 1.jpg
Great Blue Lobelia 1.jpg
New York Ironweed 1.jpg
Slender Bush Clover.jpeg
Round Head Bush Clover.JPG
Dwarf Goldenrod 123.jpg
New York Aster.jpeg
Anise Scented Goldenrod 1.jpg
Wrinkled-leaf Goldenrod 1.jpg
New England Aster 123.jpg
Frost Aster 123.jpg
Calico Aster.jpg
ZigZag Aster 1.jpg
Smooth Blue Aster.jpg
Fox Sedge 123.jpg
Little Bluestem 123.jpg
Indian Grass 123.jpg
Purple Top.jpg
Bottle Brush Rye.jpg

Northeastern 45 species Native Seed Mix

from $120.00

This seed mix contains 45 species of native wildflowers and grasses/sedges. Wildflowers make up 95% of the seed mix while the 5 species of grasses/sedges make up 5% of the seed mix. This design is to ensure long wildflower diversity long-term as native grasses and sedges can become over dominant over time when designed at higher seed proportions due to the lack of Bison and/or Elk grazing the Native Meadows/Prairies. The height is mixed with most plants remaining under 3.5 feet tall, and a minority of plants reaching higher than 3.5 feet tall. This seed mix is rated at 80 seeds per square foot. This Seed Mix will bloom from May into October with a high diversity of native wildflowers.

These native species are native to most of the Northeast as defined on the Pictured Map. This diversity is designed to be able to successfully establish native meadows/prairies on wet soils, seasonally wet soils, moderate/average moisture soils, and drier soils in sun exposures of 4 direct sunlight hours to a full day’s worth of sun.

Not All 45 species are pictured, but all 45 species are listed below.

Spring into Early Summer Blooming Species

Golden Alexanders Zizia aurea,Hairy Beardtongue Penstemon hirsutus, Small Yellow Wild Indigo Baptisia tinctoria, Ohio Spiderwort Tradescantia ohiensis, Blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta, Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa, Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca, Achillea millefolium Yarrow, Blephilia cillata Downy Wood Mint, Thimbleweed Anemone virginiana

Midsummer Blooming Species

Wild Bergamot Monarda fistulosa, Narrowleaf Mountainmint Pycnanthemum tenuifolium, Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea - not locally native to the Northeast but optional, Oxeye Sunflower Heliopsis helianthoides, Virginia Mountainmint Pycnanthemum virginianum, Wild Senna Senna hebecarpa, Culver's Root Veronicastrum virginicum, Blue Vervain Verbena hastata, Astragalus canadensis Canada Milk Vetch, Desmodium canadense Showy Trefoil, Monarda punctata - Spotted Bee Balm.

Late Summer Blooming Species

Early Goldenrod Solidago juncea, Partridge Pea Chamaecrista fasciculata, Joe Pye Weed Eupatorium fistulosum, Browneyed Susan Rudbeckia triloba, Great Blue Lobelia Lobelia siphilitca, New York Ironweed Vernonia noveboracensis, Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower, Lespedeza virginica Slender Bush Clover, Rounded Headed Bush Clover Lespedeza capitata, Grassleaf goldenrod Euthamia gramnifolia

Early Fall Blooming Species

New York Aster Aster novi-belgii, Dwarf Goldenrod Solidago nemoralis, Anise Scented Goldenrod Solidago odora, Wrinkled Leaf Goldenrod Solidago rugosa, New England Aster Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, Frost Aster Aster pilosus, Zigzag Aster Aster prenanthoides, Arrowleaf Aster Aster sagittifolius, Aster lateriflorus Calico Aster, Smooth Blue Aster - Aster laevis.

Grasses and Sedges (5% of total seeds in the seed mix)

Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea, Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium, Indiangrass Sorghastrum nutans, Purple Top Tridens flavus, Bottlebrush Rye - Elymus hystrix

The 1/8th acre seed mix is great for starting large pollinator gardens (300 square feet or more) and for starting mini-native meadows up to 5,445 Square feet. When using this mix specifically for pollinator gardens, use only 1/4th of your seed mix per pollinator garden to compensate for the smaller spaces. This size is about 3.4 cents per square foot in price.

The 1/4th acre seed mix is great for starting numerous large pollinator gardens (up to 20 separate 500 square feet pollinator gardens) and for starting native meadows/prairies up to 10,890 Square feet. You could also start 3 Native meadows around 3,400 square feet each, or 2 Native Meadows around 5,450 square feet. This size is about 2.7 cents per square foot in price.

The 1/2th acre seed mix is ideal for providing a stronger impact on local pollinators due to the size - covering up to 21,780 square feet. You could divide this up into 3 or 4 smaller native meadows by dividing 21,780 square feet by 3 or 4 to get a square footage measurement for the smaller native meadows/prairies. This size is about 2.4 cents per square foot in price.

We also have a 1 acre size available for more bulk cost savings at $870 - 2 cents per square foot.

What Makes Our Native Seed Mixes Different From Competitors.

The biggest difference in our seed mixes is the amount of native wildflower species being 41 to 46 species in our high diversity seed mixes, and the percentage of Native Wildflower seed vs. Native Grass seed being 95% to 5%. For this amount of wildflower species, and this heavy of native wildflower to native grass percentage; no other native seed company can beat our pricing. As nearly all native seed companies offer; we also provide an instruction manual and customer service question answering via email as you work on transforming your land back into native meadow vegetation. This instruction manual can be followed by yourself or a hired landscaper if the job feels overwhelming to you.

Cost Effectiveness

Native Prairie/Meadow Seedings cost about 2 to 5 cents per square foot where as using potted native plants to cover the same area costs $2.00 to $8.00 per square depending on how densely they are installed and mulch use. For example, a 1,000 Square foot pollinator garden would require at least 750 potted native wildflowers/grasses to cover the plot. Potted Plants can cost $2 to $10 per plant, and at a cost of $5.00 per plant, 750 wildflowers/grasses would cost $3,750 + installation costs and mulching costs. If that 1,000 square feet were instead seeded with one of our mixes it would cost $125 - $150, and you could do the installation yourself simply, using our instruction manual. The cost effectiveness ratio increases even higher the larger of plot you are seeding vs. planting with plugs or potted plants. The biggest difference in our seed mixes compared to other company’s is the amount of native wildflower species and grass seed ratio. Our high diversity seed mixes have 40 to 46 species and the percentage of Wildflower seed vs. Grass/Sedge seed is 95% to 5%. Most companies use portions of 20% to 60% grass/sedge leading to grass/sedge dominated plantings that squeeze out the wildflowers overtime. Those companies also make a larger profit because grass and sedge seeds are cheaper than wildflower seeds. For this amount of species, and as heavy of native wildflower to native grass/sedge percentage; no other native seed company is currently beating our pricing.

Include Purple Coneflower?:
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